Online Access To Your Medical Record
Registering For Online Services
If you are not already registered for online services please register to use the NHS App.
Please click The NHS App
The NHS App uses an online ID checking system so users will be able to set up access via this app with no need to visit the surgery.

Access to Online Services
If you wish to you can now use the internet to:
order repeat prescriptions
see parts of your health record, including information about medicines, vaccinations and test results
see correspondence between your GP surgery and other services, such as hospitals
You can also still use the telephone or call in to the surgery for any of these services as well (however, we do not take requests for repeat medication over the phone).
Being able to see your record online might help you to manage your medical conditions. It also means that you can access it from anywhere in the world should you require your medical information for treatment while you are abroad.
There are a number of providers who offer a platform through which you can access online services. The NHS App is the preferred provider, but please follow the link below for more information about 'Online Services' and alternative providers, including Patient Access.
If you are over 16 years of age and wish to register for online access to your records, please come into the practice to complete a registration form - we need to see photo ID, proof of address and obtain signed consent due to data protection legislation.
Please note - each patient registering for online access will need a separate email address for their account - we have encoutered issues where members of the same family are trying to use the same email address to register.
Unfortunately the General Medical Council, the British Medical Association, NHS England and the Medical Protection Society all strongly discourage giving access to under 16 year olds. We regret therefore that that this service will not be available to them or their parents at the current time.